High School Class History   


In the fall of 1957, 29 students entered the Satanta High School.  Most of us had heard stories that the High School kids had told us and we were a little scared.  This year we gained Merrilia Benthin, Julia Ann Hersh, Beverly Weber, Richard and George Shore, Eugene McBride, and Fred Bastian.

  We lost, shortly after school started, Dane Selby, Sylvia Harlow, and Richard and George Shore.  The great event of this year was our party at Dodge City.  This party is the one where Dennis Black made a great sacrifice.  He so willingly gave his hat to the monkeys.

  In our sophomore year, we were beginning to feel like we were a part of "Ole Satanta High".  We gained Marion Clymer, Ruth Lewis, Barbara Minnie, and Dane Selby.  Our sophomore party was at Meade Lake.  This is the party where Cheryl needed a towel so bad that she stole Tom's.  The only thing about this is that poor Tom had to jump into the cold water.  It seems as though that while sliding down the spillway, he tore the seat out of his bathing suit and the towel was to hide that fact.

  School started our junior year without Barbara Minnie, Merrilie Benthin, and Eugene McBride.  We gained Jack Abbott and John Gormely.   After staying with us a while, we lost John Gormely.

  Here we are - the seniors of 1960 - 1961.  We've had a wonderful school life together.  Our parting day is not too far off.  We are getting ready to go into the world and make our marks.  We appreciate those who helped us through our school days and hope that some day, sometime, that they will appreciate us.