Satanta 1957 Class History
In the fall of 1949, nineteen small children were gathered in the first grade room of Satanta Grade School.
The leader of these inexperienced children was Miss Stump. The class consisted of Beth Ann Willet, John Bush, Leroy Davis, Donna Unger, Beverly Callis, Kay Moody, Phyllis Turley, Marry Ann Reimer, Tom Ray Brownley, Wayne Conrad, Mary Ann Orosco, Leroy Lambert, James Henry Lesley and Skeet Malone.
In the fall of 1950, twenty-four students enrolled in the second grade. The leader these progressing children was Mrs. Schwertfeger. At the beginning of the year Virgil Macbeth, Sandra Downing, Jerry Blakesley, Larry Broker and Patty Jo Plunk joined us. By the end of the year we had lost Sandra Downing, Jerry Blakesley, Larry Broker and Patty Jo Plunk.
In the fall of 1951, twenty-three students were enrolled into the third grade. The children, who were excellent followers, were led by Miss. Bell. This year David Collins came into our lives. At the end of the year James Henry Lesley left. This is the year we presented the play “Santa’s Vacation”.
In the fall of 1952, twenty-two pupils enrolled into the fourth grade. Our leader, who led us through many dangers and adventures, was Mrs. Walters. At the beginning of the school year we were joined by Sylvia Harlow and Teddy Sheldon. At the end of the year we lost Tom Ray Brownley, Wayne Conrad and Mary Ann Orosco. While in the fourth grade, we presented “Susanna’s Christmas Auction”.
During our fifth year, Mr Newman took charge of our class. Dale Stephens, Lois Davison, Kenneth Caskey, Melvin Nelson, Darla Huff and Rex Haggard joined us. That same year Darla Huff and Rex Haggard left. That was the year we presented the play “Day Before Yesterday”.
During the sixth year Mr. Babbitt piloted our class. Joe Clem, Dick Sweringin and the talkative Selby cousins Dane and David joined us. That was the year Dick Sweingin, Skeet Malone and Leroy Lambert left.
The following year, 1955, our seventh grade class was joined by Terry Smith, Sharon Scarbrough, Lis Conway, Cheryl Hunter, Billy Spraggins and David Dickey. That same year Teddy Sheldon, Billy Spraggins and Terry Smith left us. Our teacher was Mr. O. L. Griffin.
In the fall of 1956, at last we felt we had reached the promise land. Thirty strong, we invaded the eighth grade class room. Mr. Harkrader had been imported to guide us safely along the flowery path of knowledge. Jim Garner, Avanelle Jones and Anne Taton joined our ranks. Avanelle moved to Arkansas shortly after the year had gotten under way. George Shore joined our group in March and Melvin Nelson left us in April.
This was the year of long assignments and plenty of homework. We presented “The Bigger and Better Babies Contest”,“The Easter Parade”, Wilber Takes His Medicine”, “It’s Cold In Them Thar Hills”, Little Red Riding Hood” and “The Scotty Who Knew Too Much”.
This was an exciting year spiced by remarks from the “Great Dane”. We enjoyed the parties and good fellowship we shared throughout the year. Mrs. L. C. Black was our room mother and we all appreciated her faithful service.
We enjoyed our grade school days and appreciate the many acts of kindness extended to us during the last eight years. We now look forward to a happy and successful high school year.