Class Prophecy For the Class of 1961


MC:        JOE CLEM

Joe:         (in front of closed curtains)

            Hello.  Tonight, May 16, 1982, we will drop in on a devoted educator and former classmate of mine.  He is spending this evening as he has spent so many evenings working after school hours at Satanta High School.  Let's go in and surprise him.

Curtain opens, scene is the study hall with Tommy seated at a table.  He is very surprised and rises and shakes hands with Joe.

Joe:    Hello Tom.  The old building doesn't look quite the same as it did when we left it, does it?  And think you've spent another 15 years here.  Because you have dedicated so much of your time as being Math Teacher of Satanta High School and because you and your wife Beverly, have worked unceasingly to bring education here to its high standard, tonight Tom, "This is Your Life".  We will be visited by some of our former classmates and meet your family.  Why don't you set down and catch your breath.

Here's our first guest - a special friend of yours, Dennis Black.  Dennis is one of the area's leading ranchers and well known farmer.  He has also gained much recognition with his Kentucky Derby winner "Carry-On".

And here are three more classmates of yours, Donna Unger, Bertha Stapp, and Lois Davison.  Donna and Bertha have built a chain of beauty nooks across the nation.  They and their efficient secretary, Lois, have just returned from Paris where they have picked up the latest in hair styles.  They have announced that orange wigs are on their way out and will not be very much in demand this next year.  Do you remember the sensation you caused, Donna, when you dyed your hair red?  I'm sure that brought about a change in hair styles.

Next we have Jim Garner, Music teacher here at Satanta High.  Jim, after graduation from college has devoted his life to music.  He and his band have just returned from Canon City, where they marched at the Cherry Blossom Festival.  Jim is very proud of his band members.  None of them acted any thing like kids used to act on band trips.

Here's Jack Abbott, still fondly known to us as cotton-tail.  Jack is a mechanic and has a shop here in Satanta.  His shop is a natural outgrowth from the car he drove during his Senior year.  Jack do you remember the time in Chemistry that you got carried away?  Even you, Jack, had to admit that it didn't smell just right.

Well hello there girls.  The former Miss Beverly Callis and former Miss Mary Reimer, and both of you still look so young!  Neither Beverly or Mary had any trouble deciding what they wanted to be, and it looks as though they succeeded.  Too bad your families couldn't be here tonight.  We all remember Beverly for a special reason.  Lots of us dropped a class to take study hall, BUT you were the only one to take a class just to get out of study hall.  Mary do you remember how mad we used to make you when we wouldn't shut up during class meetings?

Joe:      Why, here's old Dave and his secretary, Anne.  David Dickey is now a world renowned architect.  He is presently designing a new building for old Satanta High.  We all know him best for the way that he remodeled the mailboxes out in the Reno Addition, back in high school days.  His secretary, Anne Taton is also a former classmate.  Anne must have improved her bookkeeping.  The way we remember, she never could get her work sheets to come out. 

Here are two more pals of mine.  David Selby and Leroy Davis.  Oh!  Excuse me!  I mean Senator Davis.  Senator Davis is now conducting a survey as to why squirrels no longer inhabit the White House grounds.  Whenever Senator Davis is asked to explain the basis of his success in politics, he says he owes it all to his campaign manager, David Selby.  Leroy says David can talk anyone into voting for him.  He probably can, we remember the time David was sent to the office for a tardy slip.  Half the period later he returned to class without a tardy slip, but being David, he managed to give enough convincing reasons for not having one, that he was admitted to class anyway.

How nice to see you, Sharon.  Sharon Scarbrough, after getting her R.N. degree, came back to Satanta to become the Superintendent of nurses at Satanta Hospital.  Do you remember, Sharon, how eating crackers in Study hall can really get you in "Dutch" with the study hall teacher?

Why, here's another character our class produced.  Bessie, Oops, goofed again, I mean Beth Ann Willett is a widely known author of light fiction.  We hear that she is currently working on a volume entitled "High School Cappers".  If it's based on our high school days, don't say too much about that Physics class that Tom, Jim, and I were in, or we'll never be able to convince our children that they shouldn't do some of the same things.

Next is Johnny Bush, now known as Prof. John L. Bush.  He teaches American History at Columbia University.  We wonder if any of his students give him as much static, just for the fun of it, as Johnny gave our old History teacher, Mr. Howard.  John, do you remember how you stopped the world deflation in our plastic globe by putting the band-aid over the West Indies?

Here's Kenny Caskey.  We were afraid that Kenny might not be able to make it tonight.  You see, he has to go through so much red tape before he can do anything these days.  You all know that Kenny is currently at Cape Canaveral.  He welds the nose cones on moon rockets.

Why, Phyllis Turley!  I am surprised that you could leave your job to be with us tonight.  Phyllis is a Specialist in Child Psychology.  It is in this capacity that she is currently employed by the First Lady.  She is making a study to determine the psychological effect of growing up in the White House.

Gary Harlow is a very successful cattle rancher in this part of the country.  We hear, Gary, that you are developing a new breed of cattle for rodeo riders.  Is it true that you are trying to get an animal that is nearer the ground, so riders won't have quite so far to fall?

  Here's Sharon Gales, another classmate who soon got a M.R.S. degree.  She says that she is completely happy with her adorable family.  We all know that Sharon doesn't give up just because the going's rough.

Here's another pal of mine.  Good ol' gabby Dane Selby.  Dane is probably the most famous classmate we have, he is an outstanding news commentator.  He travels world-wide and broadcasts on-the-spot news reports of all major world happenings.  We all knew that Dane loved to hear himself talk, so its no surprise that he tries to have everyone listening to him.  We use to appreciate his talent, too, when he talked the teacher out of a test on test days.

Cheryl Hunter married shortly after finishing business school and came back to Satanta to live.   She is now a prominent citizen of the community.  Say, Cheryl, tell us something, did you really do all that cheating that you said you did in American History?

Hi, Dale.  It's good to see you.  Dale Stephens, after graduating and getting his degree in Electronic Engineering at Denver, has devoted all his talent to building a robot which will be the housewives' handy companion.  Dale, we wonder if you ever did finish that picture frame you were making in shop during you Senior year?

Next we have Ella Mae Jones, a lawyer who can hold her own with anyone from Philadelphia.  We could tell you lots of things about Ella Mae, but we are being very careful about her since she is an expert in the field of libel and slander suits.  Do you remember, Ella Mae, how you were the most popular girl in the Senior Class when you got that cute little white convertible?

This is just about all of your classmates, Tom.  You have wondered how I got the job I have?  I was working as an IBM computer tech for NBC when I was discovered by a talent scout.  One of the best rules for people trying to get into show business I learned while working on our Jr. Class play is  ALWAYS know your part ahead of time.

And now, Tom, the last member of our class, your lovely wife, Beverly.  I understand that your three children are with their grandmother tonight.  Too bad they couldn't be here with us.  We are sure Beverly has furthered your career by her efficient help to you as secretary at Satanta High.  Say, Beverly, did you ever learn how to use the double boiler?  Some of the girls were telling me about the time in Sophomore Home Ec., when you neglected to put water in one.  It didn't work very well that way, did it Bev.

We hope that you have enjoyed "This is your Life", Tom and we hope that all of you in our audience enjoyed a prediction of what might very will happen someday.